From Pre-Term through the First-Year Sendoff, our Student Life programs help you build strong community and meaningful connections.
Cluster Suppers
Get a square meal while rounding out your social circle. Suppers have become a time-honored tradition at Wharton. Enjoy a delicious meal, relax, and catch up with friends at a cluster supper. The first cluster supper also features speeches by your classmates running for cluster president.
Quarter One Salute
Congratulations! You finished your first quarter at one of the top business schools in the world. That’s no small feat. At Wharton, we’ll recognize moments like this one throughout your MBA journey. So relax with good friends, good food, and carnival games as we celebrate and salute you!
Student Life Fellows Program
Your Student Life Fellows (SLF) will be with you every step of the way your first year too. The SLFs are a group of 52 Second-Year MBA students charged with supporting the mission of the Office of Student Life. They’ll work closely with you and our office to foster and develop a sense of community and belonging at Wharton.
Vice Dean’s MBA Program Diversity and Inclusion Fund
Or maybe you’d like to create your own programming? If it furthers knowledge around issues of diversity and inclusion, you just may be in luck.
One World at Wharton
Exams, assignments, recruiting, networking. The list goes on. The life of an MBA can be stressful for anyone. As an international student, these stressors can be even more pronounced.
We invite you to come hear how second years managed the transition just 12 months ago. They’ll share tips and tricks they picked up along the way and advice about tackling cultural differences. And they’ll answer questions about your international experience at Wharton.
Kids Club Halloween
This Student Life event features more cuteness per square inch than any other – and more ghosts and goblins too. Hosted with the Partners and Kids Clubs, it also features pumpkin painting, ghost lollipop making, scary stories, and plenty of other kid-friendly activities. Culminates in a trick-or-treat hosted by staff and students. It’s a scary good time.
First-Year Send-Off
Wow, one year down. Well done! Join us as we celebrate this latest milestone and reflect on an amazing accomplishment. You’ll hear speeches from classmates and staff alike inspiring you to tackle your summer internships with gusto. You’ll also learn who was mostly likely to show up late to class in your cohort – amongst other superlatives. As always, we’ll have plenty of good food too.